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Plans & Passes


Unlimited Membership $215 every month • Unlimited visits • Unlimited Membership to our most popular program that blends High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with a boot camp style workout in a high energy environment along with our barbell program that combines olympic lifting, compound movements and bodyweight training to deliver a well-balanced strength training program.

Unlimited Membership | First Responders, Active Military & Full-time College Students $185 every month • Unlimited visits • Unlimited Membership to our most popular program that blends High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with a boot camp style workout in a high energy environment along with our barbell program that combines olympic lifting, compound movements and bodyweight training to deliver a well-balanced strength training program.

Unlimited Membership | DuoFIT $349 every month • Unlimited visits • Unlimited Membership to our most popular program that blends High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with a boot camp style workout in a high energy environment along with our barbell program that combines olympic lifting, compound movements and bodyweight training to deliver a well-balanced strength training program. Group rates available

Semi-Private Personal Training | 1x Week $220 every month • 4 visits per Month

Nutrition Coaching $200 every month • Unlimited visits •

Reign Fitness & Performance Nutrition Coaching Program helps people from all walks of life learn about nutrition and their body.

Online Coaching $200 every month • Unlimited visits

Nutrition Coaching Consultation $99 • 1 visit per Week for 1 week • As a Nutrition coach, it is important to know your daily habits, challenges and goals when it comes to helping you become your best self.

Get WINTERIZED New Year Challenge | Highland Members $75 • Unlimited visits for 5 weeks •


Who: You!

What: 31 Day Challenge for a Lifestyle Reset

When: 1/1-1/31

Where: At Highland Fitness and at home

Why: If you’re looking for a challenge to help reset your life in a way that is manageable and maintainable then this challenge is for you!

Get WINTERIZED New Year Challenge | (Non-Member) $279 • Unlimited visits for 5 weeks •


    Who: You!

    What: 31 Day Challenge for a Lifestyle Reset

    When: 1/1-1/31

    Where: At Highland Fitness and at home

    Why: If you’re looking for a challenge to help reset your life in a way that is manageable and maintainable then this challenge is for you!